
August 2001:

Thirty Caliber Muzzle Gauge from Fulton Armory

Fulton Armory Muzzle Gauges
Fulton Armory .30 Caliber Muzzle Gauges
Gun shows scare the living daylights out of us.  In a lot of ways they're like buying There are few other places where one has the ability to spend a great deal of money very quickly on   
Fulton Armory Muzzle Gauge in Use
Fulton Armory .30 Caliber Muzzle Gauges in Use
in all directions.  Cases can fail, sending burning and unburned powder, and pieces of torn brass out like shrapnel.  Inspection of a misfire in a self loading pistol can place the shooter's face in close proximity to a cartridge detonation.  Any of these events can cause injury to the face and eyes.  Any damage to the eye is at best a serious injury which may lead to temporary or permanent blindness.

That being said, most shooting related eye injuries are remarkably easy to prevent.  Plastic corrective lenses commonly found in eyeglasses are generally effective at stopping most of the dangerous debris associated with a shooting mishap.  More effective are the wrap-around types of protective glasses offered for loan by many shooting ranges.  Most effective are goggles that completely encase the eyes.  Recently, CRUFFLER.COM became aware of a goggle system that offers not only excellent protective qualities but is also an extremely versatile shooting accessory that may actually enhance target acquisition and perception.  Indeed, the system in question, the EPS-21 Combat Goggle, from Gentex Corporation, is standard issue to members of the Israel Defense Force.

Gentex Corporation, located in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, manufactures a wide variety of defense related products, including flight helmets, protective fibers, chemical warfare defense equipment, oxygen masks, electro-acoustic equipment, and light filtration equipment designed to protect against "coherent light hazards" (read that "lasers").  Building on these many areas of expertise, Gentex teamed with an Israeli company called Shalon Chemical Industries, to respond to an Israeli military requirement.  The IDF sought goggles that would offer superior durability over the course of daily use in a hot, dry, sandy climate, a high level of  protection against sun, wind and dust, and the versatility to enable to the wearer to operate in conditions of extreme glare, varying light levels, and laser environments.  The result is the EPS-21.

The basic EPS-21 system consists of an extremely durable but light weight silicon and plastic frame that can be ordered in either vented or non-vented configuration, a choice of velcro/elastic strapping systems that includes options to  accommodate the standard US military helmet, a US military combat vehicle crewman's helmet, or simple ski type straps, a clear ballistic lens, a neutral gray sunshade outsert, and a nicely designed ballistic nylon carrying case in either green or black.  Options include additional straps, laser protective and high contrast lens outserts, and a prescription lens insert.

The heart of the EPS-21 is the main ballistic lens.  Constructed of 4mm thick shatterproof polycarbonate, the lens has the added benefit of blocking nearly 100% of ambient ultraviolet radiation.  The IDF ballistic resistance specification required that the lens stop a two grain projectile (such as a shard of cartridge case) moving at 1,200 feet per second.  The EPS-21 passed that requirement, defeating projectiles moving at nearly 1,300 feet per second.

The outsert lenses are also constructed of polycarbonate, and are 2mm thick.  They affix to the goggles by means of a small hook at either end of the lens that fits into a corresponding notch on the right and left side of the goggle.  Besides the neutral grey, lenses are available in amber, yellow high-contrast, pink high-contrast, blue-violet high-contrast, night training, laser protective, and an additional clear lens.  The lenses differ in more than just color - chemically precise dyes are used to achieve specific light management
EPS-21 - Unfiltered Lens
EPS-21 Unfiltered
EPS-21 Pink High Contrast Filter
EPS-21, Pink High Contrast Filter
effects.  For example, the pink contrast lens blocks approximately 50% of the light in the 400nm to 530nm wavelength, or about half of the blues and greens.  It also blocks about 70% of the light in the 530nm to 590mm wavelength, or greens and yellows.  From 600nm onward, is only blocks about 15% of the reds.  As a result, most of the colors in the spectrum except red are toned down, and as there is a dramatic change in light transmission from yellow to red, red really stands out.  The yellow high contrast outsert lens, constructed from the same material Gentex uses to make visors for fighter pilots is basically a blue-blocker.  This is ideal for pilots when flying in low contrast conditions.  For those of you who aren't F-16 jockeys, think of late afternoon on a winter's day.  There's snow on the ground, the sun is making long shadows, and it becomes more difficult to see the terrain.  (Skiers should especially appreciate this condition.)  The yellow high contrast tones down the blue reflections in the snow and the details become more discernible.  Hunters will find the the pink and amber or yellow high contrast lenses most useful.  Since the pink contrast lens cuts about 75% of greens and yellows which is just before red in the color spectrum, the effect is to make oranges and reds contrast sharply in relation to other colors.  Hunters wearing blaze orange stand out appreciably.   When hunting in low light conditions (for example, the 10-15 minutes or so of twilight), the amber or the yellow high contrast lenses block the 'darker' blue color, thus highlighting the 'brighter' yellow (lighter) colors.

An additional benefit of the outserts is increased ballistic protection.  With a total of 6mm of polycarbonate, the EPS-21 has defeated 2 grain projectiles moving at almost 2,000 feet per second.  Additionally, while the main ballistic lens alone will defeat a 17 grain projectile moving at 800 feet per second (think "bullet fragment), with the outsert lens in place, the system will defeat a 17 grain projectile traveling at 1,100 feet per second.

The prescription inserts consist of a molded plastic piece with two raised projections that fit into corresponding recesses in the goggle body.  Lenses for the inserts can be made at any eyeglass store.

Being the safety mavens that we are (Editor's note:  ok, so maybe we're downright paranoid!) we rang up Chuck Risio at Gentex and ordered an EPS-21.

Field Test
A few days later the goggles arrived.  Our package included the goggles, case, neutral gray outserts, pink high contrast outserts, and prescription inserts.  The first order of business was to have prescription lenses fitted to the prescription inserts.  While readily accomplished at a local Hour Eyes store, the $164.00 price (more than twice the cost of the goggles) was more than a little daunting.  Once fitted, we put the EPS-21 through its paces.

Ergonomics and Comfort
The EPS-21 goggles are surprisingly comfortable, with wide, smooth contact surfaces that mate well with the face, and sit on the bridge of the nose with no feeling of pinching or binding.  Similarly, the straps are wide and easily adjusted.  There was no feeling of undue pressure or discomfort at the places the straps crossed the back of the head.

EPS-21 Package
We had a number of staffers wear the goggles for a number of hours at a time.  Other than strange looks from pedestrians, motorists, other shoppers, and the odd convenience store clerk, none reported any discomfort.  We also used the goggles when firing a number of rifles, including an AR-15, an AK-74, several Mausers, a pair of Enfields, a FAL, and a Galil.  There was  no difference in shooting comfort, cheek to stock weld, or sight picture noted with the goggles in place.

Lens Clarity
We found the lenses on the EPS-21 to be clear and free from distortion.  Additionally, due to the goggles' wrap-around design, there was no loss of peripheral vision or depth perception.  Cleaning the polycarbonate lenses is exceptionally easy - provided you use the right cleaners.  After initially cleaning the lenses with soapy water, we were advised by Gentex against  cleaning the lens with anything other than common isopropyl alcohol.  Regular use of water as a cleaning agent will degrade the lens' coatings fairly quickly.  Glass cleaners like Windex contain ammonia which is another coating killer.

The EPS-21 lenses are treated at the factory with what is advertised as a very effective anti-fogging compound.  Summer weather in Virginia afforded ample opportunity to test just how effective the anti-fogging treatment was.  Waiting for particularly hot, humid days, we wore the goggles inside well air conditioned vehicles and buildings for hours at a time.  After giving the goggles ample time to cool down, they were worn out into the mid-day heat and humidity.  No trace of fogging was noted in five separate tests.  By way of comparison, conventional shooting glasses and corrective lenses were completely opaque with condensation in seconds.

The EPS-21 is a well designed, well thought out piece of equipment that provides an standard of eye protection that is orders of magnitude above conventional shooting glasses.  It does so in a manner that is comfortable, versatile, and readily adaptable to a variety of shooting situations.  This versatility and protection comes with price, however.  At $75.00 a copy, the EPS-21 costs about three times as much as a pair of good shooting glasses.  Nevertheless, it's a sound investment.  Not only does the EPS-21 offer more protection than any other shooter's eyewear we've ever used, it's also significantly more durable.  While one might have to replace a set of shooting glasses every few years, with a modicum of care, an EPS-21 will last the average shooter a lifetime.  If that isn't enough reason to consider purchasing an EPS-21, think about it this way:  What's your eyesight worth to you?

For more information, see the Gentex website at   If you're interested in purchasing an EPS-21, you can contact Chuck Risio by email at:

And now, our Buy-O-Meter rating for the EPS-21:


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