Last updated: 06/25/2000
Swiss Schmidt-Rubin rifles do not have the date of manufacture stamped on any of the rifle parts, so determining when the rifle (and mismatched parts, if any) were manufactured must be determined from the serial numbers. The definitive work on this subject, and Schmidt-Rubin rifles in general, is Die Repetiergewehre der Schweiz, Die Systeme Vetterli und Schmidt-Rubin, by Reinhart, Sallaz, and am Rhyn (ISBN 3-7276-7102-5, copyright 1991 by Verlag Stocker-Schmid AG, Dietikon-Zuerich, Schweiz), from which the tables given here are adapted. The notes about the various models of Schmidt-Rubin rifles are pilfered almost verbatim from Rifles of the World, 2nd edition, by John Walter (ISBN 0-87349-202-1, copyright 1998, published by Krause Publications, 700 E. State Street, Iola, WI 54990-0001, USA). The rifle photographs are from Samco Global Arms, and are used with permission.
Below is a short description of the various models of Swiss Schmidt-Rubin rifles, and then the tables that are necessary to determine when a particular rifle was manufactured (given the model and serial number).
Eduard Rubin (1846-1920) developed the first successful small-caliber copper-jacketed bullets that could withstand velocities higher than were normal in the 1880s. Rubin cartridges with a caliber of 8.1-9.6 mm were tested against an 8.6 mm Hebler pattern in Switzerland in 1882. The Hebler cartridge, which had a paper-mache core, attained a prodigious velocity but the Rubin pattern proved to be far more accurate.
In 1884, Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft converted 130 Vetterli rifles to fire 7.5 mm and 8 mm Rubin cartridges. Most were adapted from obsolete infantry weapons, but a few had been trial guns of 1873-75; these had a distinctive bolt-support guide extending back above the wrist of the butt.
Also chambered for Rubin ammunition, Rudolf Schmidt's first straight-pull bolt mechanism of 1885 relied on an actuating rod, set in a channel on the right side of the breach, to rotate the bolt through a helical channel cut in the bolt sleeve. Twin lugs were provided midway along the bolt sleeve, locking into the receiver directly above the trigger.
This rifle was officially adopted on June 26, 1889. Tooling had already begun in the state factory, and so the first deliveries were surprisingly speedy. The M1889 was a most unusual design, with a characteristically Swiss nose cap/bayonet lug/stacking rod assembly, and a receiver with a noticeable gap between the trigger guard and the magazine. The great length of the bolt weakened the Schmidt system greatly. Production ceased in 1897 after 211,890 rifles and 40-50 drill rifles (Exerzierwaffen) had been delivered.
Model 1889 rifles are available from Samco Global Arms.
Manufactured 1891-1897 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: about 212,000
The inherent weaknesses of the 1889-pattern Schmidt action were recognized after protracted experience with the standard 7.5 mm 1890-pattern cartridge had been gained. As soon as attempts were made to increase the muzzle velocity, the problems intensified.
Testing of 50 modified rifles allowed the improved Vogelsang/Rebholz action to be adopted on September 27, 1897. Though the 1889/96 rifle resembled its predecessor externally, the locking lugs had been moved to the front of the bolt-sleeve. This strengthened the action by placing less of the sleeve under compressive stress, and reduced the gap between the trigger and the magazine by 0.4 inches.
The rifles were reclassified as the '[Infantrie-]Gewehr 89/96' in 1909; by November 1912, 127,050 service rifles and about 20 Exerzierwaffen had been made.
Manufactured 1897-1912 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 127,000
The Kadettengewehr was adopted on July 27, 1898, after trials with guns derived from the Mannlicher cavalry carbine and the Schmidt-system rifles. The single-shot M1897 had a special quadrant sight with differing sets of gradations for the Ordonnanzpatrone (to 1200 meters on the left side) or the reduced-charge Kadetten-Patrone (to 400 meters on the right). In addition to standard guns, about 40 sub-caliber trainers were also made.
Manufactured 1898-1927 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 7900
Adopted on April 9, 1901, the Kurzgewehr was based on the 1896-pattern action; apart from its length, the smaller magazine and reduced-range sight, it was similar to the M1889/96 infantry rifle.
Many surviving 1900-type guns were among the 26,340 carbines and short rifles converted to '1911' standards by Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik in 1913-1920. Accepting 7.5 mm Ordonnanz 11 cartridges, they had four-groove rifling.
Manufactured 1901-1911 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 18,750
Preceded by a handful of experimental designs - including one with a folding stock and another with a three-piece cleaning rod carried beneath the forend - the Karabiner 05 was adopted in 1905 to replace the 1893-type Mannlicher. Stocked virtually to the muzzle, preventing the attachment of bayonets, it had a full-length handguard and a sling-slot in the butt.
A decree signed on January 13, 1911, ordered the Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik to modify 26,340 surviving M1900 short rifles and M1905 carbines to approximate to the 1911 pattern. The work was undertaken in Bern in 1913-1920. The converted guns had four-groove rifling and chambered 7.5x55 1911-type cartridges.
Manufactured 1906-1911 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 7900
As might be expected, this model markedly resembled the Model 1911 Rifle, some of the differences being:
A universal increase in muzzle velocity, arising from widespread adoption of point-bullet ammunition, caused further problems with the Swiss rifles. Trials were undertaken in 1908-10 with modified bullets and rifles embodying a strengthened Vogelsang/Rebholz action. Apart from the tangent sight, these guns resembled their predecessors externally - though, once dismantled, three large holes were found to be bored through the bolt sleeve to reduce weight.
The perfected [Infantrie-]Gewehr 11 was formally approved on January 10, 1913, together with adaptations of several earlier weapons. The new guns had a strengthened action, a hold-open to signify an empty magazine, a pistol-grip stock and an improved rear sight.
Manufactured 1913-1919 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 133,000
Adopted concurrently with the 1911-pattern infantry rifle in January 1913, to replace the short rifle and cavalry carbine, this was readily distinguished by its short barrel and stock. It was mechanically identical to the rifle.
Model 1911 carbines are available from Samco Global Arms.
Manufactured 1914-1933 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 184,200
By 1930, it had become clear that important changes were required in the 1911-type Schmidt action to keep abreast of improved technology. On January 22, 1932, therefore, the Bundesrat approved the manufacture of about 20 experimental short rifles; the Karabiner 31 was formally adopted on June 16, 1933.
Great changes had been made in the action which, though retaining the essence of the original Schmidt principle, locked into the receiver ring rather than behind the magazine well. In addition, the bolt did not project as far beyond the bolt carrier, reducing the length compared with the 1896-type action by 2.4 inches.
The Karabiner 31 had a longer barrel than the Karabiner 11, which was of similar overall length. An improved sight was fitted, and the semi-pistol grip stock - with a sling bar let into the left side of the butt - was retained by a clamping nose cap accepting any of the standard Swiss sword bayonets.
Military production finished in 1958 after more than half a million Karabiner 31 had been made in the Bern factory. A hundred otherwise standard examples were supplied in the 1930s to equip the elite Swiss Guard (or 'Papstliche Schweizergarde') in the Vatican; these guns were apparently numbered 249047-249146.
Several cutaway examples of the Karabiner 31 were also manufactured. Illustrated are photographs of the top and left side of the receiver area of one example (photographs courtesy of Thomas Wenk).
Model 1931 short rifles are available from Samco Global Arms.
Manufactured 1933-1958 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 582,230
Model 1931/42 and 1931/43 Sniper Rifles
Experiments had been undertaken with optically-sighted Karabiner 11 as early as 1919, but the project had been shelved until trials with Karabiner 31 and Zeiss, Wild, Gerber and Kern sights began in 1935 in the Schiessschule Walenstadt.
Though the low-power Kern sight was accepted in November 1940 and a hundred experimental carbines had been manufactured in 1943, the perfected Zf.-Kar.31/42 was not approved until July 1, 1944. It had a 1.8x sight, offset on the left side of the receiver alongside the bolt. Each sight had a small auxiliary tangent sight and a unique pivoting periscope head.
Otherwise identical to its 31/42 predecessor, the Model 31/43 had an improved 2.8x sight on the left side of the receiver.
Manufactured 1944-1946 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 2240
Based on the Model 1931 short rifle and featuring a top-mounted Kern 3.5x sight (graduated to 800m), this rifle was adopted in 1956 to replace the M31/42 and M31/43. The 1955-type guns had a special half-stock with a checkered pistol grip, a folding bipod and a special muzzle brake.
Manufactured 1957-59 at Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern.
Total production: 4150
There are six basic types of sword bayonets for the Schmidt-Rubin rifles, all of which have a muzzle ring and a short, flat quillon approximately 1+3/4 incles in length. There is also a rod bayonet, for which see below. Color photographs courtesy of Ronnie Wilson, and nomenclature from Bayonets from Janzen's Notebook, with alternates (indicated by italics) being from Reinhart, Sallaz, and am Rhyn where they differ from Janzen.
To determine the date of manufacture of a particular rifle, one needs to know both the model and the serial number. Given the model, go to the appropriate table and look for the range of serial numbers that spans the given serial number. The corresponding date for that serial number is shown in the left column of the table.
For example, given a Model 1911 with a serial number of 2673xx, the tables show no such serial number for a Model 1911. There is a range spanning this serial number for a Model 1889/96, however, showing a manufacture date of 1900. Knowing that the M89/96s were converted to approximate the M1911 form, we conclude that this rifle is a Model 1889/96/11 manufactured in 1900.
As another example, given a Model 1931 with a serial number of 9999xx,
the tables indicate that this rifle was manufactured in 1953.
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1893 | 40 | E1-E39 (E20 doubled) |
1895 | 2 | E43, E45 |
1896 | 2 | E42, E44 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1891 | 24900 | 1-24900 |
1892 | 90100 | 24901-115000 |
1893 | 59100 | 115001-174100 |
1894 | 8787 | 174101-174887
175001-183000 |
1895 | 12500 | 183001-195500 |
1896 | 12500 | 195501-208000 |
1897 | 4000 | 208001-212000 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1896 | 250 | 4251-4500 |
1897 | 250 | 4501-4750 |
1898 | 250 | 4751-5000 |
1899 | 250 | 5001-5250 |
1900 | 400 | 5251-5650 |
1901 | 500 | 5651-6150 |
1902 | 500 | 6151-6650 |
1903 | 500 | 6651-7150 |
1904 | 300 | 7151-7450 |
1905 | 300 | 7451-7750 |
1895-1905 | 96 | P1-P96 - Private series,
numbers P46-P84 for a commercial company, Paris |
1897-1903 | 11 | E1-E11, extra series,
entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1897 | 2 | E2-E3 |
1899 | 4 | E4-E7 |
1900 | 4 | E8-E11 |
1904 | 4 | E12-E15 |
1908 | 4 | E16-E19 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1895 | 50 | 1-50 |
1897 | 9000 | 212001-221000 |
1898 | 15500 | 221001-236500 |
1899 | 15500 | 236501-252000 |
1900 | 16500 | 252001-268500 |
1901 | 11500 | 268501-280000 |
1902 | 12000 | 280001-292000 |
1903 | 10000 | 292001-302000 |
1904 | 8000 | 302001-310000 |
1905 | 6000 | 310001-316000 |
1906 | 6000 | 316001-322000 |
1907 | 5000 | 322001-327000 |
1908 | 5000 | 327001-332000 |
1909 | 4800 | 332001-336800 |
1910 | 6300 | 336801-343100 |
1911 | 1900 | 343101-345000 |
1912 | 4000 | 345001-349000 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1899 | 18 | E1-E18 |
1900 | 6 | E19-E24 |
1901 | 9 | E25-E33 |
1902 | 3 | E34-E36 (P9+P34?) |
1903 | 2 | E37-E38 |
1904 | 1 | E39 |
1907 | 1 | E40 (P40) |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1898 | 2100 | 1-2100 |
1899 | 1649 | 2101-3749 |
1900 | 1580 | 3750-5329 |
1901 | 499 | 5330-5828 |
1902 | 193 | 5829-6021 |
1903 | 232 | 6022-6253 |
1904 | 151 | 6254-6404 |
1905 | 114 | 6405-6518 |
1906 | 183 | 6519-6701 |
1907 | 150 | 6702-6851 |
1908 | 82 | 6852-6933 |
1909 | 37 | 6934-6970 |
1910 | 236 | 6971-7206 |
1911 | 99 | 7207-7305 |
1912 | 115 | 7306-7420 |
1914 | 231 | 15001-15231 |
1915 | 33 | 15232-15264 |
1916 | 70 | 15265-15334 |
1918 | 2 | 15335-15336 |
1924 | 26 | 15337-15362 |
1925 | 20 | 15363-15382 |
1926 | 80 | 15383-15462 |
1927 | 15 | 15463-15477 |
1898-1919 | 45 | P1-P45, Private series
entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1901 | 5000 | 1-5000 |
1902 | 885 | 5001-5885 |
1903 | 915 | 5886-6800 |
1904 | 1000 | 6801-7800 |
1905 | 1500 | 7801-9300 |
1906 | 1500 | 9301-10800 |
1907 | 1750 | 10801-12550 |
1908 | 1750 | 12551-14300 |
1909 | 1650 | 14301-15950 |
1910 | 1500 | 15951-17450 |
1911 | 1300 | 17451-18750 |
? | 176 | P1-P176 [sic], Private series,
entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
1903 Zoll | 89 | P72-P150 |
1904 Zoll | 300 | P173-P472 |
? | 50 | P501-P550 |
Zoll | 394 | P551-P944 |
Zoll | 190 | P951-P1140 |
Zoll | 103 | P1141-P1243 |
Zoll - Customs service
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1906 | 810 | 1-810 |
1907 | 2790 | 811-3600 |
1908 | 2600 | 3601-6200 |
1909 | 500 | 6201-6700 |
1910 | 600 | 6701-7300 |
1911 | 600 | 7301-7900 |
1906-1914 | 39 | P1-P39, Private series,
entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
Year | Quantity |
1912 | 5000 |
1913 | 40000 |
1914 | 51000 |
1915 | 38000 |
1916 | 1500 |
1918 | 200 |
1919 | 50 |
1920 | 20 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1912 | 6000 | 355001-361000 |
1913 | 14000 | 349001-355000
361001-369000 |
1914 | 5000 | 369001-374000 |
1915 | 22000 | 374001-396000 |
1916 | 32000 | 396001-428000 |
1917 | 31000 | 428001-459000 |
1918 | 20000 | 459001-479000 |
1919 | 3000 | 479001-482000 |
? | 200 | P5000-P5200, Private series,
last manufactured on October 10, 1919, entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
? | 1 | P5219 |
? | 698 | P5251-P5948 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1914 | 6000 | 30001-36000 |
1915 | 4000 | 36001-40000 |
1916 | 13000 | 40001-53000 |
1917 | 16100 | 53001-54400
55001-62000* 62301-70000** |
1918 | 19000 | 70001-89000 |
1919 | 2000 | 89001-91000 |
1920 | 6500 | 91001-97500 |
1921 | 8500 | 97501-106000 |
1922 | 7500 | 106001-113500 |
1923 | 7900 | 113501-121400 |
1924 | 7600 | 121401-129000 |
1925 | 7500 | 129001-136500 |
1926 | 9900 | 136501-146400 |
1927 | 12600 | 146401-159000 |
1928 | 11500 | 159001-170500 |
1929 | 12800 | 170501-183300 |
1930 | 9900 | 183301-193200 |
1931 | 8800 | 193201-202000 |
1932 | 9200 | 202001-211200 |
1933 | 3900 | 211201-215100 |
1913-1919 | 300 | P2001-P2300, Private series
entry in the export book of Waffenfabrik Bern |
Zoll | 18 | P2013-2030 |
Zoll | 8 | P2037-P2044 |
Zoll | 30 | P2071-P2100 |
Zoll | 100 | P2101-P2200 |
without entries | 4 | P2201-P2204 |
? | 19 | P2205-P2223 |
Zoll | 50 | P2251-P2300 |
Zoll - Customs service
* Serial numbers 54401-55000 and 62001-62300 are missing (900 pieces)
** Serial numbers 69701-69750 have double entries, but are only entered
once in this list. Consequently, the total of the Model 1911 Carbines listed
here comes to 185150 pieces.
Year | Who | Serial numbers |
1915 | Kriegstechnische Abteilung, Bern - | E500 |
1914 | Koenigliche Gewehrpruefungskommission, Ruheleben-Spandau -
Spanische Gesandtschaft, Bern - |
E502 |
1919 | Emile Galley, Lausanne - | E503 |
1920 | Hollaendische Gesandtschaft, Bern -
Englische Gesandtschaft, Bern - |
E505 |
1915 | Eidgenpessiosches Militaerdepartement, Bern - | E506-E507 |
1917 | Sektion fuer Munition, Thun - | E508 |
1918 | Amerikanische Gesandtschaft, Bern - | E509 |
1919 | Franzoesische Gesandtschaft, Bern - | E510 |
1920 | Franzoesische Kriegsministerium, Paris -
Tiro Suizo, Buenos Aires - |
E521-E522 |
1921 | Italienische Gesandtschaft, Bern -
Italienischer Militaerattache, Bern - Flugplatzdirektion, Duebendorf - Sektion fuer Schiessversuche, Thun - |
E524 E525 E526-E527 |
1922 | Eidgenoessische Munitionsfabrik, Thun -
Eidgenoessische Munitionsfabrik, Thun - Internationales Wettschiessen, Mailand - The High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia, London - |
E528-E529 E530 E531 |
1923 | Franzoesisches Kriegsministerium, Paris - | E532 |
1924 | Eidgenoessisches Schuetzenfest, Aarau -
KTA, fuer Schweden - KTA, fuer Tschechoslowakei - |
E535 E536 |
1925 | KTA, fuer Waffenfabrik Oviedo -
KTA, Bern - Schiessschule Walenstadt - |
E538-E539 E540-E541 |
1926 | Afghanische Regierung (mit Dolch 18) -
KTA, fuer Tschechoslowakei - |
E543 |
1934 | J. Alder W+F, Bern - | E544 |
KTA - Kriegstechnischen Abteilung des schweizerischen Militaerdepartements
W+F - Waffenfabrik
Year | Who | Serial numbers |
1918 | Amerikanische Gesandtschaft, Bern | E1 |
1919 | Amerikanische Gesandtschaft, Bern | E2 |
1920 | Hollaendische Gesandtschaft, Bern -
Tiro Suizo, Buenos Aires - Tiro Suizo, Buenos Aires - |
E5 E6 |
1921 | Direktion Eidgenoessische Waffenfabrik, Bern | E7 |
1923 | Franzoesisches Kriegsministerium, Paris | E4 |
1926 | Afghanische Regierung | E8 |
1932 | Wojskorny Zaklad, Warschau -
Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik, Oerlikon - |
E10 |
1952 | unreadable | E11 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1913 | 1000 | 1-1000 |
1914 | 8000 | 1001-9000 |
1915 | 8000 | 9001-17000 |
1916 | 8200 | 17001-25200 |
1917 | 900 | 25201-26100 |
1918 | 100 | 26101-26200 |
1919 | 70 | 26201-26270 |
1920 | 65 | 26271-26335 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1923 | KTA, Bern | V1-V10 |
1926 | KTA, fuer Schiessschule Walenstadt | V1-V200 |
Note: KTA - Kriegstechnischen Abteilung des schweizerischen Militaerdepartements
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1933 | 1193 | 520010-521202 |
1934 | 15534 | 521203-536736 |
1935 | 13664 | 536737-550400 |
1936 | 11326 | 550401-561727 |
1937 | 11639 | 561728-573366 |
1938 | 10344 | 573367-583700 |
1939 | 15300 | 583701-599000 |
1940 | 33575 | 599001-632575 |
1941 | 54150 | 632576-686725 |
1942 | 49350 | 686726-736075 |
1943 | 50475 | 736076-786550 |
1944 | 51900 | 786551-838450 |
1945 | 26200 | 838451-864650 |
1946 | 15600 | 864651-880250 |
1947 | 20950 | 880251-901200 |
1948 | 20100 | 901201-921300 |
1949 | 15500 | 921301-936800 |
1950 | 13200 | 936801-950000 |
1951 | 23050 | 950001-973050 |
1952 | 21400 | 973051-994450 |
1953 | 5549
7450 |
215001-222450 |
1954 | 17150 | 222451-239600 |
1955 | 11250 | 239601-250850 |
1956 | 6400 | 250851-257250 |
1957 | 2950 | 257251-260200 |
1958 | 3130 | 260201-263330 |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1934 | 16 | ? |
1935 | 500 | 400001-400500 |
1936 | 100 Zoll | 401001-401100 |
1937 | 150 Zoll
200 |
400501-400700 |
1938 | 150 | 400701-400850 |
1939 | 20 | 401501-401520 |
1940 | 150
530 50 50 |
401521-402050 402151-402220 402251-402300 |
1941 | 300 | 402301-402600 |
1942 | 650 | 402501[sic]-403150[sic] |
1943 | 350 | 403151-403500 |
1944 | 400 | 403501-403900 |
1945 | 600 | 403901-404500 |
1946 | 837 | 404501-405337 |
1947 | 929
30 |
E519767-E519796 |
1948 | 400 | 406251-406650 |
1949 | 650 | 406651-407300 |
1950 | 400
50 |
408001-408050 |
1951 | 300
50 |
408051-408100 |
1952 | 300 | 408101-408400 |
1953 | 450
50 |
409051-409100 |
1954 | 200
100 |
409101-409200 |
1955 | 450
100 |
410151-410250 |
1956 | 450 | 409651-410100 |
1957 | 50
300 |
410251-410550 |
1958 | 475 | 410551-411025 |
1959 | 425 | 411026-411450 |
1960 | 300 | 411451-411750 |
1961 | 300 | 411751-412050 |
1962 | 400 | 412051-412450 |
1963 | 50
400 |
412451-412850 |
1968-1969 | 150 | various numbers |
1971 | 150
50 |
269881-269930 |
Stand (?) 1972 | 250 | various numbers |
Zoll - Customs service
Serial numbers | Allocation |
215001-350000 | K31 Carbine series, ordered by KTA for KMV |
350001-400000 | K31 Carbine series |
P400001-P450000 | Private K31 Carbine series |
450001-500000 | K31 Carbines with telescopic sights (sniper versions) |
500001-500200 | Trials versions |
E519701-E519900 | Various special K31s |
519901-519999 | Cutaway K31s (running backwards?), last number 519970 |
520001-520150 | Carbine series ordered by KTA, delivered by W+F for special purposes |
520081-520100 | Ditto, reserved for W+F |
520151-999999 | Carbine series, ordered by KTA for KMV |
after 550651 | Hardened magazine boxes |
after 540001 | Hardened receivers |
KTA - Kriegstechnischen Abteilung des schweizerischen Militaerdepartements
KMV - Kriegsmaterialverwaltung
W+F - Waffenfabrik
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1943 | 96 | ? |
1944 | 403 | ? |
1945 | 1537 | ? |
1946 | 205 | ? |
Year | Quantity | Serial numbers |
1957 | 170 | 1001-1170 |
1958 | 3030 | 1171-4200 |
1959 | 800 | 4201-5000 |
? | 150 | 5001-5150 |